Core type definitions exported by the AZTP SDK.
An agent enhanced with security capabilities.
type SecuredAgent<T = unknown> = T & SecurityCapabilities;
SPIFFE identity information.
interface Identity {
spiffeId: {
trustDomain: string;
path: string;
x509Svid: {
certificate: string;
privateKey: string;
trustBundle: string;
expiresAt: Date;
status: {
verified: boolean;
lastVerified: Date;
expiresAt: Date;
type: string;
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
Result of a policy evaluation.
interface PolicyDecision {
allowed: boolean;
reason?: string;
audit?: {
timestamp: string;
spiffeId: string;
action: string;
Message format for secure communication.
interface SecureMessage {
sender: Identity;
action: string;
payload?: Record<string, unknown>;
Security monitoring event.
interface SecurityEvent {
type: 'identity' | 'policy' | 'rpc';
timestamp: number;
agentId: string;
data: {
// For identity events
action?: 'verified' | 'issued' | 'rotated';
success?: boolean;
spiffeId?: string;
// For policy events
action?: 'evaluated';
allowed?: boolean;
reason?: string;
// For RPC events
action?: 'request_received' | 'response_sent' | 'request_error';
method?: string;
success?: boolean;
error?: string;
Usage Example
import { secure, type Identity, type PolicyDecision } from '@aztp/sdk';
async function handleRequest(agent: SecuredAgent, request: SecureMessage) {
// Get and verify identity
const identity: Identity = await agent.getIdentity();
// Check policy
const decision: PolicyDecision = await agent.can(request.action, request.payload);
if (decision.allowed) {
// Process request
return agent.secureCall('processor', request.action, request.payload);
throw new Error(decision.reason || 'Access denied');